

Dit is Frida, teefje, podenco, geborenĀ 01/01/2021, 14 Kg, hoog 58 cm lang 59 cm.

Frida woont momenteel in het asiel bij Elena in Solana in de regio Ciudad Real.


Karakter: erg lief en zacht, goed met kinderen, speels, aanhalig, niet bang, loopt goed aan de lijn, goed met andere honden, goed met katten, vindt autorijden fijn.






Frida was picked up by a friend over the weekend, he lives abroad but he came to La Solana and found her. Frida is a dog with energy, playful, affectionate, with a fantastic character, she is not fearful, she approaches you. She came in very thin, her ribs were showing, but she’s already chubby. Frida gets along great with adults and children. He knows how to walk on a leash without problems and has no problem going by car on trips. She gets along very well with other dogs regardless of sex, she has also been tested with a cat and she is compatible she has not problems. Please a home for her.

