Dit is Lino, reutje, ras: greyhound , geboortedatum: 01/01/2021, 18 kg, 59 hoog en 66 lang.
Lino woont in het asiel bij Elena in de plaat Solana in de regio Ciudad Real.
Karakter: niet bang, goed met alle honden, nieuwsgierig, onderdanig speels, vindt autorijden eerlijk
Lino was picked up by a man in the field while he was working, he called us to ask if we would take it since he had nowhere to put it and although we don’t have room we had to tell him to take it because here in the field by law you can kill an animal if you want when is hunting season. Lino is great with other dogs regardless of sex, he is not fearful because he lets himself be caught without problems. He has a character of 10, he is very good and submissive, he loves to run and play. In the car he is used to traveling and does not make a noise and knows how to walk on a leash, he is in a cage where there cannot be animals since it never shines and it is colder, but there are no free cages. Please a home for him.
Gelukkig is ze wat aangekomen zoals is te zien op het filmpje… ze is in prima conditie en hunkert naar een hand die haar aait.